11. Oct, 2021

Tabletop Composting: Compostable bags 4

I started composting samples of three compostable bags  2 months ago. They samples have been stretched across a plastic frame and cold composted using a three chambered See-Through Composting Container. As the chambers do no have drainage holes it is difficult to control the moisture level and on occasions over the composting period the containers have been wetter than I would have liked. I future the contents will be removed regularly, moisten and remixed and then returned to the chambers.

At two months the bag material is starting to breakdown  on  on one of the disks (in the centre)  quite significantly as the picture that was on the bag and the material has disappeared . Photos taken earlier in the experiment can be seen by following the link http://www.carryoncomposting.com/416920209     and working down the page.