15. Jan, 2021

Green: Browns ratio the Aerobin Simulator

Calculating the green: brown ratio of composting ingredients tends to be something that is reduced to a guess that we have about equal amounts being added to the bin. With concern about the balance only coming to the fore when something goes wrong.  I have an Aerobin 400 on my Demonstration site and was revisiting the Aerobin website when I found an easy-to-use calculator which provides a good way of checking that the different items being added to the bin end up producing a mix of the right ratio.

  This    "Simulating composting in your Aerobin" software enables users to enter the weights the different materials being added to their bin and will calculate  Carbon & Nitrogen ratio , Moisture levels and the Biomass Density.  I have used it with my Aerobin and found it a very quick and simple means of checking the G:B ratio of the materials I have added (https://www.aerobin400.com/aerobin400-UK/compostsimulator.aspx)

It would also provide an interesting lockdown competition for allotment sites etc getting plot holders to give the weights of the differing items being added to their bins and seeing who is the best “Mixer.”