7. Oct, 2020

Busy composting time on the allotment

As the crops are harvested,  we are getting more waste for composting on the allotment. Three reception pallet  bins have been filled in the past week (photo shows the overfilled bins) . On a community site we have  a wider range of garden waste  than from a single plot. It seems to be a time of year where just about everything needs cutting to length before being added to the bin.  There are still a few runner bean plants  complete with beans that were not picked  which need chopping into smaller lengths to make it easier to turn the piles. We have also started getting strawberry plants  with long runners which also need chopping  into shorter lengths. The majority of this week’s selection of tomato plants where cherry tomatoes many looking good enough to eat  (before they were added to the waste).  Brassicas have also reappeared with stalks that need cutting and crushing but at least these provide plenty of good green leaves  for both the compost bins and the wormeries.  Courgette plants as pulled from the ground take up a lot of space but are easily cut and having hollow stems that help form air spaces in the compost.   Added to this mixture there is the usual selection of annual and perennial weeds , but fewer with seeds than  was the case last month plus a rotting selection of waterlogged miscellaneous plants and soil that  had been soaked by the rain.   One of the designated working bins was almost filled after a mornings work using shredded paper and woodchip as brown layers and to introduce airs paces in the waterlogged material.  The bin will be filled on the next visit and then turned after a further week.