Garden Organic have produced new online content to engage with as many people as possible during Compost Awareness Week and while Staff and Master Composters are unable to go out into the community due to restricts during lockdown. as we would normally be doing and we are excited to send this out to you all today.
'Composting: An online lesson for kids'. Initially created for upper primary school children this video is now open up to everyone by uploading the video to our YouTube channel and including a link to the quiz in the video description. This means hundreds of children could be using this resource every day of Compost Awareness Week... and beyond!
'Get Composting with Garden Organic'. This is a shorter version of the above without the little animated character and the more light-hearted elements that were added to keep the younger audience engaged. The video and the description explains how people can contact the UK Garden Organic network (volunteers and trainers) to get more detailed composting support, so it is very much a taster, but should be enough to get people started.
You can find both videos on the Garden Organic YouTube channel, link below:
More details of the master Composter scheme are available at /builder/version3/view/142941473 or follow this link Master Composters
Please follow, like and share @GardenOrganicUK on social media.
Latest comments
Do you have any data on ' application ' of Aerated Vermi Compost Tea to Mangoes and benneficial outcomes .
Very informative site. Having been away for 5 weeks and returning to evidence of rats under and around the compost bin, I can testify to lack of human activity allowing the rats to get comfortable.
can i use dog manure in compost and mulching leaves?
What is the C and N ratio for coffee chaff?