2. Nov, 2014

Harvesting compost

There is still time to harvest your compost and add it as a mutch to the garden. I also add some to my winter hanging baskets and due to various reasons still have a number to put make up. Activity in the cold compost bins will be slowing down now as it gets cooler and it is a good time to harvest any compost that is ready in the bins so as to make room for the material to be added over the winter. 

18. Sep, 2014

Decision on the future of Snibston delayed

The decision on the future of Snibston has been delayed until December. However do not check the Snibston Webpages for details of Compost Corner as they have been taken down!

12. Aug, 2014

Compost Corner Sibston Discovery Park Demonstration Site

The Sibston Discovery Park and Museum web pages have been revised and Compost Corner is  no longer shown  but the Composting Demonstrate is still functioning.  Why not come  and see our range of composting techniques as part of a visit to the Miners Gala on 13th September and take advantage of the free entry. We promise a warmer welcome than the one shown

30. Jul, 2014

Zero Waste Week : Food Waste

Zero waste week takes place 1-7th September with the theme 'One More Thing!' One of the days will be focusing solely on food waste. Why not sign up and pledge to take the challenge? You could save over £60 a month on your grocery bill and pick up some great tips and ideas along the way.

Some food items cannot be eaten but most can be composted

Find out more and register at http://www.zerowasteweek.co.uk/  or

join the Facebook events page and invite your friends to take part  https://www.facebook.com/events/486032221531195/ 


28. Jul, 2014

Aylestone Lane allotment Open Day 2nd August

Allotment Open day 11am -1 pm.

Just a reminder that I will be on  site promoting composting and wormeries. I will have details of a wide range of compost bins in addition to details of the basic bin available from Getcomposting.com under the LCC scheme

Come and see the allotments and including composting methods used by allotment gardeners