6. Feb, 2022

Talk Carry on Composting Home and allotment composting.

Talk Carry on Composting covering home and allotment composting.

Quorn Garden Club   17 February 2022.  The meeting starts at 7.15pm in the  Church Rooms, Quorn, LE12 8DP

Quorn Garden Club, founded in 1996, is  an active club for gardeners and those interested in gardening living in or in the surrounding area of the village of Quorn, near Loughborough, Leicestershire. New members may join at the meeting http://quorngardenclub.org/


25. Jan, 2022

International Compost Awareness Week Australia (ICAW),


Better Soil, Better Life, Better Future

 International Compost Awareness Week Australia (ICAW), is a week of activities, events and publicity to improve awareness of the importance of  compost, a valuable organic resource and to promote compost use, knowledge and products. We can compost to help scrap carbon pollution by avoiding landfilling organic materials and helping to build healthier soils.

For more details click here  https://compostweek.com.au/



25. Jan, 2022

US Compost Awareness Week 2022

International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is to be held   May 1 – 7, 2022 

 ICAW is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry and is celebrated in the USA and other countries annually. It is designed to raise public awareness of  composting as a key component in  organics recycling and in  using compost. The activities will cover  all types of composting – from backyard to industrial.

 This year  the overall focus will be on soil health and the  regenerative agriculture movement and how compost and organics recycling fit into that process leading  to healthier, more nutrient-rich crops and, ultimately, less carbon in the atmosphere through increased carbon sequestration. 

To learn more about how you can get involved with ICAW or pla,n or take part in  an event in your community, Click here  https://www.compostfoundation.org/ICAW/ICAW-Home

Details of the CAWs in other countries will be provided as information become available. If you compost please consider getting involved.

We will be holding events based on our Demonstration site at Stokes Wood Allotment in Leicester





18. Jan, 2022

In the Allotment bin

Seasonal composting January. Part of our ongoing look at the composting year as reflected in the reception bin at our allotment community composting site. The  predominant plants left in the top levels of the bin in the couple of weeks since Christmas are Chrysanthemum stems supplemented by the remains of a giant pumpkin.

The Chrysanthemums are useful as they can be cut into lengths and used  as a  three-to-four-inch layer at  the bottom of an empty palate bin. This will allow air to enter at the bottom of the bin and then rise up through the bin in what is known as passive aeration.  The pumpkin had reached the stage where it was just an empty brittle shell which could be broken into smaller pieces by hand. These are being added to our Jora food composter, which was emptied earlier today, supplemented with tea bags from the café,  cardboard and shredded paper. More food will be added to one side of the Jora until it is filled before topping up the second compartment. More information on the Jora or Jorraform composter are given on the www.carrryoncomposting.com  food composting page

The photo shows the layer of stems forming the base layer of a bin

16. Jan, 2022

Indoor cooked food "composting" without the smell.

I regularly Bokashi cooked food waste to produce a pre-compost that can be added to a cold composting bin without attracting rats.
However, the bokashi bran that I have been using has a quite  distinctive and stong  smell. I have recently tried Wiggly Wigglers bran and found that it does not have the strong smell that of some brans.
 This is one less excuse not to treat your cooked food and other kitchen waste at home rather than having it collected to be landfill, sent to Anaerobic Digestion or incinerated. There is more infomation on Bokashi and Food Composting ao tne www.carryoncomposting.com website