Food Composting Workshop
To celebrate Food Waste week Stokeswood Allotments in Leicester held a Food Composting workshop on Wednesday 9 th March. The session was held to spread the word that cooked food can be composted at home, despite the oft repeated veiw that it cannot, and to look at the various options open to householders. The cheapest option for those with a conventional dalek bin such as those purchased through subsidised schemes is to buy two Bokashi bins, available for less than £25, and ferment the waste to produce pre-compost which can then be added to the dalek bin or buried. The participants also looked at the use of the Green Cone food digestor and dual purpose mid-range compost bins such as the Green Johanna, Aerobin and Hotbin as well as the smallest Joraform model. As some of the group were involved with community composting the Ridan continous throughput composter was also discussed as was some of the Biolan models.
The group also had a chance try a range of compost aerators to aerate and mix compost in some of the bins.
It is hopes to repeat the session on a Saturday to allow more people to attend.
The photo shows some of those attending the session