6. Oct, 2021

New Community Composting Reception bin

A new Reception bin has been bought into use At the Community Composting site at Stokes Wood Allotments, 2B Stokes Drive. Leicester, to try to stop customers putting waste in the working bins at random disrupting the composting process.

The original Reception bins were part of a bank of 5 bins. The new Reception bin is closer to the entrance and separate from the working bins. So far, the new system seems to be working.

Most of the waste this week  is runner bean plants with some pumpkin/marrow foliage both are easily cropped and form a tidy layer in the first working bin. I hope to fill this bin Friday and then turn it weekly for a month.

The layers will be chopped  garden runner beans and marrow plants  (from the reception bin) with layers of manure and soil following a traditional garden layering system  If most of the garden waste is relatively soft greens cardboard or shredded paper will be used to provide additional  browns.