11. Aug, 2019

Compost & Climate change

Agriculture is a significant contributor to climate change with producing  at least 14% of global greenhouse. Large quantities of methane are emitted as a result of activities such as : ploughing, which  releases carbon dioxide from the soil,  and  livestock. Farming is a significant user of fossil fuels and, of course, fertilizers. However, while much  attention has been focused on the problems caused by farting cows  farming can help reduce climate change by  carbon sequestration

Making compost on the farm and at home can contribute to the efforts to reduce the rate of global warming as spreading compost to produce humus and using a non-dig method can boost the soils carbon storage ability. Home composting in one garden will have no effect but the possible contribution of all gardens and urban spaces could be significant. If we want to play our part when home composting which methods are best to keep  methane emissions  to a minimum. Which is best hot or cold method composting, Is aerobic composting really aerobic and  does aerating the pile help or make matters worse? Some informationand preliminary thoughts are given on a new page at http://www.carryoncomposting.com/441149741